Ian K. Devey - The official website
Ian K. Devey - The official website
About Ian

Ian K. Devey was born in Coventry in 1964. He currently resides in Leiden, The Netherlands. He received an Llb(hons) Degree in Law from Southbank Polytechnic, London. Mr Devey has worked as a writer/reporter for The Nation newspaper in Bangkok, Thailand. He has had articles published by The Observer(UK), The Nation, The Nation Junior, The Entertainment Guide of Bangkok, J Thailand and various other magazines and newssheets. He has taught English as a foreign language in Thailand, England, Spain, Mexico, Germany and the Netherlands.

Ian K. Devey's first novel, A Field of Virgins was published on Kindle in mid 2013. His second novel is a work in progress and is due to be published mid 2016.

A Field of Virgins - Available now.